Broke Brian

Friends can be a great source for meeting potential significant others.  However, if they try and do the set up themselves, it doesn’t always work out.

You think your friends would know you well enough to know who is a definite yes or no for your dating pool.  This just in: they don’t.  I love my friends dearly, I do, but they have no clue what I am truly looking for.  Take this guy, Brian, for example.  Sexy as hell, killer watt smile, rode a motorcycle. Checks all around, right?  Wrong!

Brian is living in the attic of his friends place, is 29, works at a plumbing hardware store, and doesn’t know how to use the internet.  I guess this is why I didn’t meet him online   -_-    In addition to these fine qualities, I paid for my own meal.  Now I don’t want to seem stuck up, I ALWAYS offer to pay my portion. But it gets better!  He ran out of cash for his own meal. YEP!  That’s kind of where I draw the line. 

Now I had had a few drinks and he was just so darn hot that I did indeed let him kiss me come the end of the night.  He was an amazing kisser.  This killed me. 

I don’t want people to think I am this awful gold-digger of a girl, believe me when I say that finances are less of a deal breaker for me.  But ambition is important and clearly this guy was not going anywhere.  No incentive to even pay for his own meal.  And there you have Broke Brian.